BrÖtz no. 856 21/12 19:00
Quagmire-Amin Alavi + SOL SOL

Quagmire-Amin Alavi
Amin Alavi-performance
Karin Johansson-pi
Nina de Heney-bas
Henrik Wartel-tr
Amin Alavi
Born in 1966 in Tehran, Iran, based in Basel, Switzerland, Amin Alavi is a Danish writer/performer. If you ask him, he would say that he is a storyteller who likes to experiment, improvise, interact with his audiences and confuse them. He likes to establish a parallel reality, where the viewers/readers can enter, be part of it and be entertained on a higher plan. In order to do so, he often works with meta-stories – stories about stories. Amin calls his performances for shows. According to him, a performance has to trigger all senses, from listening to feelings. The shows often use theatrical elements combined with music and text. According to him, it doesn’t really matter, if you understand the text or if you listen to the music or just look at the action on stage. At the end of the day, they are all interchangeable and you get a story that you are involved in making. The shows are 40% fixed and 60% improvised and the music spans from free improve to experimental pop. He has established a group of professional musicians, from jazz to classic to pop and rock, whom he often works with.
de Heney/Johansson/Wartel
Nina de Heney – bas
Karin Johansson – piano
Herik Wartel – trummor
This trio’s music is an open door into a sometimes swaying inner scenery,depicted in a mesh of shifting vibrations, a succession of sound-paths strewn as seeds . Layers of elaborate rythmical textures spread over an unpredictable spectrum , carpetting the walls of an imaginary acoustic
space that could be a room for yet unknown rituals. Intuitive real-time composition by three of the most acclaimed musicians on the Scandinavian contemporary music scene.
If human experience can sometimes be expressed in sound-thoughts, mantras, well here is an invitation to your inner mantra,your being as a sonic-form.
Their first album,Quagmire, released in September 2019 on Creative Sources has recieved superlative
reviews in the Swedish and international press.
”…At first, I didn’t notice the cymbals, but my dog reacted, so I listened again.Small electric impulses through the instrument and the body. This discloses something about the spatial expanse of the music, the ability to remain in one sound-space whilst also reaching to my planetary centrum….”
Thomas Millroth, Orkester Journalen 5/2019
Elin Forkelid-saxofoner
David Stackenäs-gitarr
Mauritz Agnas-bas
Anna Lund-trummor
Sol Sol
Ett så kallat “dream team” bestående av fyra individuellt mycket starka röster, med varsin självklar plats på den svenska jazz- och improscenen.
Den röda tråden är starka melodier, befriade från genre. Med lagom mycket respekt för det komponerade plockas musiken isär, tillåts ta oväntade vändningar, glida ut i tomma intet. För att återuppstå med full kraft.
Modern jazz med fokus på här och nu.
Några röster om senaste albumet What Year Is It?:
”Sometimes music hits deepest when the impact is initially gentle.”
Peter Margasak i The Quietus
“Nydelig, og akkurat slik det skal gjøres for å fornye musikken til noen av de største i jazzhistorien!”
Jan Granlie i Salt Peanuts
”…melodisk og vakkert, men samtidig åpent og søkende…”
Tor Hammerø i Nettavisen
”…smakfull elegans och våldsam kraft.”
Gustav Lindqvist i En fri jazz
“Har årets jazzplatta redan kommit?”
Jonas Persson i Lira
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Brötz Inträde: 100 kr swisch eller cash
Öppnar: 19.00
Konsertstart: 19.30
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