BrÖtz no.678 26/10 GAS-festival

Det kan verka som vilken höjdarkväll på Brötz som helst, men faktum är att denna kväll är en del av GAS-festivalen som pågår 21-29 oktober. http://www.gas-festival.com/

På scen står Klas Nevrin’s Revoid Ensemble, en oktett med internationella stjärnor tillika fantastiska musiker, och en spännande violinist från Berlin som för första gången hörs i Sverige.

Klas Nevrin Revoid ensemble
Eivind Lønning – trumpet
Per Texas Johansson – träblås
Anna Lindal – fiol
Katt Hernandez – fiol
Audrey Chen – cello, röst, elektronik
Klas Nevrin – synt
Vilhelm Bromander – bas
Ricard Österstam – trummor

THE REVOID ENSEMBLE is a project is led by pianist/composer Klas Nevrin and consists of an international collaboration between eight musicians.
By focusing on the exploration of collective improvisation — both its significance and its potential — they hope to contribute to a deeper understanding of collective and playful creative processes. They will be designing a series of artistic experiments in order to research how disorder and order may be produced and combined in a variety of ways, and to elucidate how specific conditions and circumstances interact when creating assemblages for improvisation.

Biliana Voutchkova Solo
– violin
Biliana Voutchkova is a dedicated, thoroughly engaged composer-performer whose work combines regular performances of major solo violin/ensemble works and new works by contemporary composers often written for her, improvisation and performance work reaching into the realm of dance and movement. Her constant research as a creative artist spans the widest possible range of sound and movement and extends her sonic, physical and technical capacities evolving into the development of a highly individual artistic musical language.


Music lover records säljer grymma plattor

Inträde: 80kr
Öppnar: 20.00
Konsertstart: 20.30

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Tillgänglighet: http://www.t-d.se/TD2/Sokresultat/?q=konstepidemin+åttan