Vår 2025

BrÖtz no. 916 Onsdagen den 5/2 klockan 19/30 TriJJo + SOL SOL

                                                – Musikstuderanden gratis! –


Jung-Jae Kim-tenorsaxfon

Joel Haag-gitarr

Henrik Wartel-trummor


The music of the trio is centered around the concept of spontaneous creation, sound crafting in the moment, and co-exploration of the boundaries. 

Their improvisations often include a minimalistic motive or idea, which is then developed and expanded upon by each member of the trio. This collaborative process creates an energy and atmosphere that is both raw and spiritual, taking the audience on a journey of discovery with each passing moment. With a huge dynamic range, the trio moves between soft and intimate moments to explosive rockit vibes. 

They are not limited by genre, incorporating elements of jazz, blues, avant-garde, and beyond. They value the spirit of free expression and embrace the unexpected, creating a unique and memorable experience for every audience.



Sol Sol

Elin Forkelid – saxofoner/komposition

David Stackenäs – gitarr, komposition 

Mauritz Agnas – kontrabas

Nils Agnas – trummor



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Seemingly bound by their commitment to continually push the boundaries of, not just their music, but the general aesthetic of contemporary Swedish jazz, SOL SOL have once again reereinvented themselves and the expectations that listeners now have of their music.”

UK Vibe, 4/5

 “All in all – and (almost) all things considered – the album offers an enjoyably varied summation of four stylish players relishing creative difference through collectivity.”


“Sophisticated without being clever, varied without being all over the place, outside without being inaccessible, Almost All Things Considered is Sol Sol’s best album yet.”

-All About Jazz

“På något sätt kan dessa musiker tillsammans centrera en, i all välmening, spretighet. Denna centrerade spretighet är det som gör musiken till en storartad helhet. De har integrerat sina egna, nutida, musikaliteter med tidlösa inspirerande idéer och framställt en helhet. En mycket bra skiva!”


“Dette er blitt nok en strålende plate fra den svenske kvartetten.” 

-Salt Peanuts

“Såväl sökande som stökande och svängigt med Elin Forkelids ständigt ombytliga frijazzkvartett.”

-Dagens Nyheter
