BrÖtz no. 896 10/4 19:30
:::: Musikstuderanden Gratis! ::::

Perkis Pajunen
Tim Perkis-elektronik
Anne Pajunen-sång,viola
Stockholm based Anne Pajunen is a composer, singer, viola player and visual artist. Through an interdisciplinary practice she uses a mix of acoustic instruments, sound objects, custom made live electronics and visuals in a theatrical space, giving her works a unique profile.
The works range from music theatre pieces, performance art, videos, electroacoustic music, installations to hybrid forms of live- and installation art. Improvisations in detailed set-ups on stage are mixed with fully scored works. The improv aspect of her work is a characteristic not only of the musical elements but all parts, including set design.
Her works are presented on the music and performance art scene in Europe and North America. Commissions include works for the Swedish Radio, Norrlandsoperan, Folkoperan, international festivals and several musicians and ensembles, such as Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra and Gothenburg Combo. As vocal artist she also performs works of contemporary composers and 20thcentury repertoire. Founder of the ensemble S.M.O.K and member of string quartet NRQ. With S.M.O.K, Pajunen has produced and performed over 25 stage productions. The use and development of live electronics for stage is realized through the long-time collaboration with video artist and programmer Fredrik Olofsson (Berlin). Another international collaborator is composer/musician Gino Robair (US) with whom she frequently works in an improv duo. In 2019 the duo premiered an improvised chamber opera.
TIM PERKIS is a well-known figure in the worlds of improvised and electronic music. Over the course of decades he has played his unique computer-based electronic instruments with hundreds of musicians, including many of the leading players in free improvisation from Europe and the US. He is also a founding member of several electronic music ensembles, including FuzzyBunny, Kinda Green and the pioneering computer network band The Hub. Recordings of his music are available on the Artifact, Tzadik, New World and EMANEM labels, among others. His documentary film NOISY PEOPLE(2007) and the NOISY PEOPLE podcast (2015) are available at perkis.com. In 2018, Tim and his group the HUB were the recipients of the GigaHertz Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Electronic Music from ZKM in Karlsruhe Germany.
Magnus Vikberg-trummor
Alfred Lorinius-bas
John Holmström-piano
Jonny Wartel-saxofon
Denna eminenta trio har äntligen tagit sitt förnuft till fånga och utökat till kvartett.
Orginalkompositioner utlovas.
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Öppnar: 19.30
Gästande musiker säljer ofta LP och CD.
Permanenta musiker som driver BrÖtz har även de CD´s till salu. Mycket bra musik att roa sig med under tiden för den långa väntan till nästkommande veckas BrÖtz.
Köpglädjen är den sannaste glädjen!
Stöd gärna musikerna!
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