BrÖtz no. 873 6/9 kl 19:30
Örjan Hultèn Trio med gäst Jonny Wartel
Zabelka Miura Casserley Trio

::::::::::::::::::::::: Musikstuderanden Gratis! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Örjan Hultén Trio + Jonny Wartel
Filip Augustson – kontrabas
Fredrik Rundqvist – trummor
Jonny Wartel – saxofoner
Zabelka-Miura-Casserley Trio
Yoko Miura – Piano, Toy Piano, Melodica
Lawrence Casserley – Signal Processing Instrument
Örjan Hultén Trio, en topptrio som hyllas av press och publik för sitt intuitiva samspel. Känd för samarbeten med musiker och konstnärer från olika kulturer och prisbelönt som årets bästa jazz i Lira år 2006.
är i denna turné gäst i ovan nämnda eminenta trio.
This new Austrian, Japanese, English trio combines the talents of three widely experienced musicians. Mia’s and Yoko’s remarkable music making will be further transformed by Lawrence’s unique Signal Processing instrument into a fascinating and absorbing fusion.
Austrian violinist, vocalist and composer Mia Zabelka is at the forefront of international electro-acoustic performance art. She developed her unique musical language in a process she calls “automatic playing”, where the music grows out of her physical movement and finds its expression in her electric violin with electronic devices, alien objects, vocals, and/or acoustic violin. Using this set up she is given the opportunity to expand the sound range so extensively that the violin itself becomes an interface, an electronic sound generator and thus a sound machine. https://www.miazabelka.com
Japanese pianist Yoko Muira visits Europe often and has performed with many European improvisers, including a well established trio with Lawrence and Belgian vocalist Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg. As she says it: “I think it’s like we’re travelling on parallel paths to a destination. We communicate with each oher by feeling and instinct. Personally, I take in sounds not as musical notes or chords, just as energy or vibration. I put several tones into our musical field and watch the chemical reaction. It’d be a kind of adventure. I always try to open a window so that we can reach a new world.”
Lawrence Casserley has been one of the pioneers of live performance electronic music since the late 1960s. He has developed his own instrument, the Signal Processing Instrument, which was designed for the special needs of improvised music. Lawrence says: “The core of my thinking is respect, even reverence, for the sound itself. I formed an ideal of sounds made by other musicians, which could be taken on a journey of transformation, and because my instrument is recording all the time, my responses can be very immediate, allowing very close relationships where gesture and response are like one entity, a ‘collective simultaneity’ as one of my colleagues has described it.”
Photo by Aleksandr Alex
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Öppnar: 19.30
Permanenta musiker som driver BrÖtz har även de CD´s till salu. Mycket bra musik att roa sig med under tiden för den långa väntan till nästkommande veckas BrÖtz.
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