BrÖtz no. 865 29/3 19:30
Musikstuderande Gratis Inträde!
Harald Svensson-pi
Sten Sandell Lisa Ullén duo-pi pi
Christian Wallumrød-pi
Hannah Nebosis-Live painting
Harald Svensson född 1954, är en svensk pianist och kompositör. Spelade på 70-talet med bl.a. trombonisten Eje Thelin och i grupperna Egba, Resa och den funkinspirerade ensemblen Häxmjölk under ledning av gitarristen Jan Tolf. Senare medlem i jazzgruppen “Entra” tillsammans med Anders Jormin bas, Staffan Svensson trp, Thomas Gustafsson sax, samt Audun Kleive tr. 1998 utgav Rikskonserters skivbolag Caprice CD’n Vanished into the Blue som var det årets bidrag till “Jazz i Sverige”. Under 2000-talet aktiv som ledare av improvistionsgruppen “Priming Orchestra” och medlem av Peps Blodsband. Från 2012 och framåt har Harald Svenssons musik i huvudsak präglats av ett friare improvisatoriskt tonspråk med det akustiska pianot som verktyg i mindre ensembler, bl.a. i samarbete kontrabasisten Nina de Heney, men också som solist.
Som kompositör har han bl.a. skrivit musik för jazzensembler, slagverksenemblen Kroumata. Han har även komponerat för kör och i samarbete med dansaren Carmen Olsson komponerat elekroakustisk musik till ett flertal dansföreställningar.
Composer / musician / producer – piano, organ, voice, electronics,
Sound/Text/Image Real-Time Composer, Doctor of Philosophy In Fine Arts in Musical Performance and Interpretation, University of Gothenburg, 2013
Member of The Royal Academy of Music in Sweden
Cooperation with musicians/composers including Emil Strandberg, Paal Nilssen-Love, Sverrir Gudjonsson, Johan Berthling, Evan Parker, Sven-Åke Johansson, Chris Cutler, Mats Persson, Sofia Jernberg, Carl-Axel Dominique, Mats Gustafsson, Nina de Heney and Raymond Strid. Music Inside the Language was winner of Contemporary Sound in 2011 of the Journal Contemporary Music. Music and visual arts including Lina Nordenström, Bo Samuelsson, Katarina Eismann, Inger Arvidsson. Music and dance, including Nathalie Ruiz, Jukka Korpi, Ingrid Olterman, Bo Arenander, Anne Külper. Music and Drama including Fredrik Nyberg, Magnus Florin, Magnus Jacobsson, Willy Kyrklund, Karl Dunér, Rolf Skoglund, Peter Oskarson, Stina Ekblad and Jörgen Gassilewski.
Sten Sandell was awarded the Royal Academy of Music’s Jazz Award in 2012 with the motivation: “The pianist Sten Sandell is one of Swedish improvised music’s most brilliant, captivating and independent voices. His musical activities are characterized by a strong artistic integrity, and he has with great consistency developed a characteristic aesthetic attitude that inspires countless musicians.
Lisa Ullén
A native of Seoul, Korea, Lisa Ullén grew up in the northern part of Sweden, and is based in Stockholm.
She is a graduate of the Royal Musical Academy in Stockholm, Sweden, where she studied classical piano in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Since the late 1990s, she has devoted herself entirely to improvised music, in the form of free jazz as well as avant garde and contemporary classical and experimental music. A versatile player with a singular musical vision, Ullén has repeatedly proven her ability to imprint her absolute sense for tonal texture on whatever musical context she appears in.
Internationally recognized as a distinctive and uncompromising musician and composer, Ullén over the last decade has produced more than fifteen albums.
Ullén has collaborated extensively with many well-known Swedish artists and dancers, and has also scored several dramatic productions. She’s also performed and recorded music by contemporary composers .
In 2018 she released the triple album Piano Works and Ep Sekvenser och Lager on her own label Disorder.
In Oktober 2018 Lisa Ullén was awarded the Jazzcomposer of the Year-prize by the Swedish Radio
“Extraordinary is all I can say as I dive in to her unique approach. …Amazing piano, some of it prepared, which should appeals to fans of John Cage as well as of Cecil Taylor”.
— Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery
Christian Wallumrød
has worked as a musician and composer since 1992, and he is considered one of the most prominent and influential musicians of his generation in Norway.
Following his debut on ECM Records (“No Birch”, issued in 1996), he has released a string of albums with Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (CWE) on the same label, all to considerable critical acclaim. The record ’Outstairs’ was rewarded with the Norwegian Grammy (Spellemannsprisen 2013). While being the composer and leader of his own ensemble, Wallumrød also focusses strongly on improvisation with another longstanding collaboration, the French/Norwegian group Dans Les Arbres (DLA), also with two releases on ECM. These groups have represented the main body of his work over the last 20 years, and both are touring extensively.
Brutter (issued in 2012), Christian’s collaboration with drummer brother Fredrik, is a duo dive into human and machine driven pulses and has released three albums (on Norwegian label Hubro Music and on Bandcamp). Hubro Music is also the home for albums with CWE and Dans Les Arbres, as well as Wallumrød’s solo piano records Pianokammer (2015) and Speaksome (2021).
More recent bands and collaborations includes 3 pianos (with A.Tanaka and J.Lindvall, album out on Nakama Records) and a trio with Anna Petrini and Qarin Wikström and the duo Hammer and Steel, with Dans les arbres guitarist Ivar Grydeland, here performing the pedal steel.
Wallumrød has had long term collaborations with groups and artists such as Sidsel Endresen, Close Erase, Audun Kleive. He regularly gives solo performances and he has participated in a variety of ad hoc constellations with artists such as Susanne Sundfør, Nils Petter Molvær, Ricardo Villalobos & Max Loderbauer, Lasse Marhaug, Elin Rosseland, Streifenjunko, Karl Seglem, Terje Rypdal, Jim Denley, Valkyrien, Kim Myhr, DJ Strangefruit, Magda Mayas, Sofia Jernberg, Ronny Le Tekrø, Tony Buck, David Stackenäs, Oslo Sinfonietta.
Over the last few years Wallumrød has been commissioned to write for smaller chamber groups (a.o. BIT20, Håkon Stene, Barolo, BOA). The Ultima Festival (Oslo) and the AngelicA Festival in Bologna commissioned and put on his orchestra piece ‘When celebrities dream of casual sleep (second try)’ in 2013. For their 50th anniversary festival in 2014 Kongsberg Jazzfestival commissioned a piece from Wallumrød with Trondheim Jazz Orchestra (album released on Hubro Music, 2015). In 2015 Wallumrød wrote for the vocal ensemble Trondheim Voices and their project Gjestehus, premiered at Olavsfestdagene. The music is being released on album by Hubro Music in 2022. Norwegian dance company Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project commissioned music for the performance Notes on frailty, which was premiered at the Coda festival in 2017 and been touring extensively in Norway and abroad. At the Tromsø International Film Festival 2019 Wallumrød and his ensemble gave a performance with music written for a film concert version of Egil Håskjold Larsens film Where Man Returns. 2020-2021 saw the premiers of a string quartet (commissioned by Oslo Quartet Series for Oslo String Quartet) as well as new pieces for the Oslo based string orchestra Ensemble Allegria.
Hannah-Christina Nebosis (Vienna, AT)
will perform a large-scale live painting inspired by the music. Only her shadow and the painting in process of being created are visible to the audience. The artist is painting behind the scrim. The visibility of the painting results from the use of strongly diluted paint and the illumination from the rear.
Nebosis works as a freelance artist in the areas of fine arts, live painting, performance, literature and architectural art. She is currently spending an artist-residency at Konstepidemin in Gothenburg and is looking for live painting collaborations with local musicians of different genres.
More about Hannah-Christina Nebosis:�www.hannahnebosis.at�Instagram: @hannahnebosis�https://konstepidemin.se/en/guestartist/hannah-christina-nebosis-2/
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Öppnar: 19.30
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